Understanding your influence
Autor: Victoria Osteen  |  Album: Love your life  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de nina_oly in 17/04/2011
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A few years ago, my husband, Joel, and I were sitting in our living room looking trough one of the many boxes of memorabilia my mother meticulously collected and organized over the years. We were collected and organized over the years. We were doing some spring cleaning that day and stopped to enjoy the treasures we'd found in this one particular box. It was filled with so many reminders of who I was as a child- old photos, drawings, clips of my hair, and other childhood mementos. Joel and I were still laughing at a photo of me sitting at my mother's dressing table covered in her lipstick, when I came across a card that I gave to my mother and father when I was about seven years old. As I opened the faded, yellowing card, I read my own words of love and affection expressed toward my parents. "I love you, Mom and Dad. You are the greatest parents in the world." As I continued reading the card, my eyes were drawn to another part of the note written in red colored pencil, which simply read: " I feel like we are somebody important and I know that we are."

I started at the phrase that I carefully printed so long ago and wondered why I would have written it. What made me think of that? How could I possibly have felt so important? How could I be so bold at such a young age to think that my family and I mattered so much? As I contemplated the words on the card, it was one of those moments that should have been so insignificant that I breezed right by it, but God opened my mind to an insight that has forever affected my way of thinking. That is, God has placed great value, significance, and importance on the inside of every one of us. That note I wrote as a child reminded me that I am important to God, I am important to myself and to those around me. 

What's in the memory box of your heart? How do you see yourself? Some days, you may wake up and not feel that important; in fact, some days, you may feel just the opposite. We  all have days when it seems as though life is trying to knock us down and get us off course, and we lose sight of the great treasure inside us. But what matters most is  not how you may feel or how you appear to others; what matters most is what you believe about your own value and significance.

We must remind ourselves every day that we are not here by accident; we are created in the image of God and our lives are full of purpose. Not only does our purpose involve our own accomplishments and destiny, but it also involves bringing good and adding value to the people around us.

Get in the habit of speaking positive, faith-filled words over your life, because a healthy self-image is one of the greatest assets you can have. It will not only cause you to rise higher, but it will inspire others around you to live at their best.

The way you live your life matters! Your attitude, your confidence, how you carry yourself, and how you interact with others is influencing people in the most subtile ways. Influence is simply the power to produce an effect without an apparent exertion.

You are important. When you recognize your importance and respect yourself, living each day with a champion's mentality, you are honoring God and reflecting into others the value He placed in you. 

You are the spice of life, created to bring zest and flavor to the world around you just by being yourself! Just by creating a lighthearted atmosphere, we can enjoy each other more and can be more productive when we work together. A good sense of humor and a positive outlook can add so much value to the world around us.

Your unique personality and characteristics are qualities people need; you can inspire others to greatness. Besides adding flavor and zest to the world around you, you can make people thirsty for a higher level of living and motivate them to fulfill their purpose. Just by living at your personal best, your example deposits strength into others and empowers them to rise to new levels.

Perhaps no one ever took the time to encourage you, or some unfair things happened in your life. Maybe someone walked out of your life, but that does not change your value or significance. You are still important. Don't let what others have said or done stop from living with purpose and enthusiasm. You can't hold on to past mistakes and allow them to keep you from what you were intended to be. It's time to get a new outlook on life. It's time to clear out those negative memories and start fresh. If you'll rise up today and see yourself as God's special treasure, selected by Him and for Him, then no one can keep you from your destiny! Nothing can disqualify you from your purpose. This is your season.

You can rise above disappointments, negative words, and unfair situations as long as you don't lose sight of your value. You are a person of destiny. You have an assignment and are full of gifts, talents, encouragement, and love. You have rich treasures inside you that people need. You have more in you than you realize, and you van accomplish more than you ever thought possible. No matter what happens in life, hold on to this truth, even if you don't always feel strong. You are created in the image of God. He made you exactly the way He intended, and He equipped you with everything you need. You have the strength to stand strong in the midst of difficult situations, and the wisdom it takes to make good decisions. Dare to be bold and believe that you are a person of destiny because you can leave your mark on this generation. You may feel like your life looks ordinary today, but you too are writing the pages of history!

Hold on to those words and allow them to drive you to your destiny.


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